When we were invited by our Grandma and Poppy to visit Cape Cod in September, we got very excited. We packed up our car for the two hour trip and when we finally got to the cottage they had rented, my brother Cooper and I decided to have a look around. Since the sand the cottage was built on was sloped, the cottage was on the sand on one side and stilts held up the other side.
There was a path of sand that led to the gravely road, and when you walked across it there was another path that led to the beach. We checked out the beach, and the water was
very cold! I had brought along my surfboard, but I never rode it because the waves were very high, but I did skim board a lot.

The whole of the week we stayed was as enjoyable as possible. All around the house there was cool, soft sand, and we played in it every day. The dunes were also very good for running on. We also noticed that grasshoppers were common. The people who owned the cottages had two dogs, Clover and a chocolate lab. Since the water was cold, we usually did not go far out, but we did play and jump in the waves. It was so cold we saw seals in the water all the time.
Before the end of the week, our uncle, Tommy came to visit us. The first day he was there, we spotted whales from the porch. We saw their spouts and backs, and, occasionally, a tail. When we had to go back to our boat, I almost wanted to stay there a little longer. We had a great time there and saw many interesting things and places, but I loved the whales the best.